Nov 7, 2024
3 min read
Thursday 7 November
For we know that our old self was crucified with him so that the body ruled by sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves to sin. Romans 6:6 (NIV)
You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness. Ephesians 4:22-24 (NIV)
When we look at these two passages of scripture it may seem at first that they completely contradict each other. One is saying, ‘our old self was crucified with Him’ and the other says ‘put off your old self’. So which statement is true? The fact of the matter is, they are both equally true in their proper context. Let’s dig a little deeper.
Question. Was our old self crucified with Him? The Bible says we were. If that’s true then why do we need to put off what is already dead? The reason is because your mind has recorded information that belonged to the old you. In the same way your body has muscle memory of actions and habits that were previously developed. Both of these things can be categorised as works of ‘the flesh.’
The problem most people have is when they replay the old recordings in their minds and repeat the same old habits, they can be deceived into believing that the old them is alive and well even though they died. Satan may try to convince them that they aren’t saved after all due to the disparity between their actions and beliefs.
This is exactly why Apostle Paul was encouraging us to ‘put on the new self’. He is the same writer who told us to ‘be transformed by by the renewing of our mind’ Just because you have received a new nature, doesn’t mean that it will find full expression in our thoughts and actions.
We are the ones to affect change in our thoughts and actions by the word of God and through the power of the Spirit. It is having a Christ consciousness that causes us to align our soul (mind,will,emotions and body(senses,impulses) with our recreated human spirit. Without this we will be ‘body ruled’ instead of ‘spirit led’.
Renewing you mind and bringing your body into subjection is a life-long process. You may have God given desires to serve the Lord with your spirit, but in order for that to occur, your body which houses your spirit must be trained to yield to the word. That’s why in Romans 12:1 it talks about ‘presenting our bodies to God as a living sacrifice’.
For example you may have a desire to serve God but if your body doesn’t comply, your spirit is unable to carry out that desire. Remember the old you is dead and gone, it’s time to recognise this reality by putting on the new you; the one that is created righteous and holy and walking in the light of who you have become in Christ.
Take no thought of anything that is inconsistent with the word of God concerning your life. The old you doesn’t exist. It’s time to be awakened to this reality.