Dec 12, 2024
3 min read
Thursday 12 December
He has no day by day necessity, as [do each of these other] high priests, to offer sacrifice first of all for his own [personal] sins and then for those of the people, because He [met all the requirements] once for all when He brought Himself [as a sacrifice] which He offered up. Hebrews 7:27 (AMPC)
And in accordance with this will [of God], we have been made holy (consecrated and sanctified) through the offering made once for all of the body of Jesus Christ (the Anointed One). Hebrews 10:10 (AMPC)
It’s staggering how many Christians don’t like the idea of ‘once saved always saved’. Sometimes I scratch my head and wonder why. It is clearly a biblical precedent which is the bedrock principle of the Christian faith.
Without the assurance of salvation we have nothing to base our future hope upon. Seriously, what would be the point of getting saved only to somehow be able to lose it? Our first scripture in Hebrews 7:27 tells us that ‘Jesus met all the requirements’…You and I were not qualified to do it which is why Jesus did it on our behalf.
Let’s think about this for a moment. If Jesus was the one to do the work of eternal salvation then why do we think that we can undo it? Jesus Himself said in John 10:27 ‘I give them eternal life and they will never lose it… ‘ Question: was Jesus exaggerating when He made this statement? What do you think?
When we understand ‘saved’ means a ‘New Creation’ or ‘born from above’ then it becomes even clearer about the permanency of Jesus eternal sacrificial offering. If we are born of God, how can we suddenly become unborn? If we are ‘created in Christ’ how then can we be uncreated? It makes no spiritual sense!
Let’s bring this a little closer to home for you. Can a baby that is born into this world become unborn? Can someone who is created with an eternal spirit be uncreated? If you believe that it’s possible then you don’t understand the incorruptible, imperishable and indestructible life of the believer. Sadly the same cannot be said for those who have not received eternal life.
Here is another thing to consider. Salvation is the work of grace that is solely based on Jesus performance. If Jesus performed the work for you to be saved then how can what you do affect the result that He achieved? Not only has He saved us, He has sanctified us, made us holy.
What was the purpose of this? The answer is simple; to live in us by His Spirit causing us to become one spirit with Jesus. How can Jesus and us be separated. The Bible says ‘nothing can seperate you from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord’.
So we are inseparable in Christ. That sounds like our oneness is completely irreversible doesn’t it? ‘Once for all’ is a phrase that is used in both of our opening verses. There are two things I would like you think consider.
Firstly, if Jesus perfect sacrifice was ‘once’, why do we feel the need to confess our sins to God in multiple prayers for forgiveness when He already forgave you of all your sins past, present and future?
Secondly If Jesus perfect sacrifice was ‘for all’, why do we think that some people are irredeemable because they are the spawn of Satan?
‘Let God be true and every man a liar’. When God says ‘whosoever believes in Him’ it includes everybody. When He says ‘whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved’ it means exactly what it says. The only predestination for man was his predestination in Christ.
Share the good news of Christ’s eternal salvation for everybody. Once for all!
Study John 10:27-28 to understand the assurance of your salvation. Jehovah and Adonai made a covenant of grace together that can never be broken and nobody can snatch you out of Jesus or the Father’s hand.